2020 Pictorial Timeline & Training Review
My last post was almost a year ago, because that was when my last race occurred. Then COVID happened, giving me an entire year to think about the train wreck that was Brazos Bend 100! Here’s a timeline of 2020 from this ultrarunner’s perspective. Jan/Feb 2020 Life is normal. Joe makes two big running goals: #1 - Win a golden ticket race for Big’s Backyard Ultra and run the championship in TN in October. #2 - Run a 24-hour race and qualify for the US National 24-hour team. Mar/Apr 2020 COVID becomes a thing. Freedom is replaced by Fear, as unknowns swirl regarding the virus and pandemic. Goal #1 is canceled. Joe focuses training on Goal #2. May/Jun 2020 The world is having a meltdown. Love is replaced by Hate. Racial unrest everywhere. Joe keeps training. Jul/Aug 2020 Political tensions begin ramping up. Social media fans the flames. Joe keeps running. Joe and Julie escape with the family to the mountains - same as every...