
Showing posts from November, 2019

2019 Training Review and BB100

I’m a month early in reviewing 2019’s training, but since I’m now starting a taper for my final race of the year, it’s time! I  ended 2018  having logged the fewest miles I’d ever run in a calendar year, since taking up this sport.  But I’d also just turned 40, and used the milestone birthday to turn the tide. As I prepare to run the Brazos Bend 100 on December 7th, here is my final moving average chart. 2019 The blue line looks back 13 weeks, and is a bit volatile - I think what it best reflects is that, week-to-week, it’s really hard to be consistent and motivated for an entire year!  I don’t think I missed a single run in the first 3 months of 2019, so that’s where it peaks (minus that one time I ran 200 miles in a weekend!).  I’m ending up at only 56.7 miles/week for the most recent 3 months; some of that low number is a slow recovery from Bigfoot, some is time off for a nagging Achilles, and some is just lack of motivation! The green line looks back 26 week...

Julie’s best ultra - photo-timeline from husband’s perspective

Thursday, November 7 4:00pm - 1 week overdue.  At our birth center appointment, Carolina (our midwife) consoled Julie, who was worried there was no progress. Carolina did an exam, and was able to massage the cervix to try to stimulate labor. Friday, November 8 1:00am - 6:00am - Julie starts having early labor contractions.  I slept through them as Julie didn’t want to wake me up. 9:00am - Already timing contractions 5 minutes apart, and Julie is throwing up. We called Desiree, Julie’s doula, who brought her assistant Kaylee over to the house as well - both were life savers! Kaylee was always there for every contraction! 4:00pm - Once Desiree estimated Julie was in active labor (5-6 cm), and the intensity of contractions increased, we drove to the birth center. 5:00pm - Carolina confirmed it was time for Julie to be admitted after an exam between contractions. 6:00pm - 9:00pm - progressing right along, mostly in the tub!  Around 8-9cm by 9-10pm. PC: Desiree Sangiuliano-Jem...