
Showing posts from October, 2018

Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim: The Great Glorious Grand Canyon Adventure

30, 0, 21, 25, 25, 2. Those aren’t my lucky lotto numbers, that’s my weekly mileage for the 6 weeks leading up to our Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim trip (R2R2R: Grand Canyon’s South Rim to North Rim, then back to the South Rim - 45-50 miles).  So with a whopping 17 miles/week under my belt, and Julie doing marginally better, we set off anyway on this adventure with our beloved Rockhopper crew. I couldn’t believe how many of us converged together at the Grand Canyon.  I’d estimate 30 Rockhoppers (my counting skills have atrophied) from 4-5 cities around the country, as many friends have moved from San Antonio recently.  On Friday, a group of us did some light sightseeing around the Rim trail. I like how GC doesn’t coddle people with a bunch of railings Sheila, Michelle, Tom, Chris, and Julie Saturday was the big day.  Around 4:20am, about 10 cars drove around the Do Not Enter gates to drop most of us off at the South Kaibab trailhead.  When we opened the door, we heard a ran...